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CherryFramework 4. How to replace dropcap with image

Ammy Brown January 27, 2016
Rating: 5.0/5. From 1 vote.
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This tutorial will show you how to replace dropcap with image in CherryFramework4 templates.

CherryFramework 4. How to replace dropcap with image

Dropcap shortcode is used to display a dropped capital letters. You can replace letters with the images if required:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin panel. Navigate to Pages > All Pages section.

  2. Open the page you want to edit.

  3. Locate shortcode used for the dropcap you wish to change. Shortcode usually looks as follows:

    [cherry_dropcap font_size="42" canvas_size="96" color="#302e33" background="#ffffff" align="center" radius="500" border="4px solid #dc3963"]1.[/cherry_dropcap]
  4. Select shortcode and click Insert Shortcode button:


  5. Click Dropcap in a pop up window:


  6. You will see dropcap shortcode settings on the next screen. Enter the following HTML code to the Content field:


    Where # is your image URL.

  7. Click Insert Shortcode to add shortcode to your page:


  8. Save changes and check your site.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

CherryFramework 4. How to replace dropcap with image

Responsive Wordpress Templates
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