

博客主题. How to work 与 “TM图片库” 插件

艾丽卡桑德斯 2017年1月26日
等级: 5.0/5. 从3票开始.

We are glad to present you a new guidance on how to work 与 TM画廊 WordPress 插件. 这是一个通用的解决方案 网站 type, whether you run a blog, personal 投资组合 或者网上商店. It has multiple 设置 to configure galleries according to your needs, so that you can create a gallery 与 a single click 和 add it to any post or page of your 网站.


某些模板有这个 插件 默认包含. In case you have it already installed, feel free to skip this section.

有几种方法可以安装 插件. You may find the most common ones listed below:

  1. 最简单的方法是参观 Plugins-> Add New 在你的网站上 admin panel 和 use the 搜索 字段中查找 ‘TM 相片画廊 插件. 过滤后,按下 安装 按下按钮,别忘了 激活 it after the installation is completed.

  2. The alternative way to install it is to visit the 官方插件页面 和 click ‘Download’ button to save the 插件 邮政编码 存档 到您的本地计算机. Then this package to your site at the Plugins -> Add New的上传 插件 顶部按钮.

  3. You can also upload the content of the 插件的邮政编码文件到 / wp-content /插件/ 目录 在你的 FTP 激活它 Plugins -> 安装ed Plugins 在你的网站上.

你会看到 TM图片库 在你的左边贴上标签 指示板 菜单成功后 插件安装和激活. 这就是奇迹开始的地方.



点击a TM图片库 -> 画廊 label to manage an existing gallery or create a new one for your site. 每一个 画廊 可能包含一些 ,分为 专辑 与所需的数量 照片. 点击 gallery to see its 选项:

  • 图片 – you can find the gallery content 在这里. We’ll take a closer look on this section later.

  • 网格设置– you can choose the display type for your gallery 在这里: 网格/砌筑 (与 the configurable columns count) or 证明.

  • 显示-你可以确定 集/专辑的元设置 在这里.

  • 动画效果 选项卡 允许您选择 网格动画徘徊 动画 影响.

  • 导航 选项卡 负责 过滤器分页 选项.

  • Lightbox 设置 是最后一个 选项卡 在这里,它允许您定义 lightbox 设置 for your gallery images, such as Autoplay, Fullscreen mode, Thumbnails导航箭头.


如你所见, t在这里’s a plenty of 设置 available to let you configure the gallery up to your needs. Once you’re ready 与 the configuration, you’re fully prepared to start adding the gallery content.


请导航到 ‘TM图片库’ -> 媒体 图书馆 section to start adding your gallery content. The aforementioned gallery structure is the following: a few 照片 被添加到一些 专辑, a couple of albums are combined into a ,最后这些集合组成一个 画廊. Let us add the new album to one of the sets 和 upload some new photos t在这里.

  1. First, scroll down to the albums section 和 press 添加专辑 以添加新专辑. You can also use the ‘添加专辑’ button at the top bar to do that.

    Tip: click on the checkmark icon on the album tile will let you select it for deleting, 赋值给某个集合, or changing its properties at the right-side column.

  2. 点击 newly created album tile to open it for editing. 然后使用 “添加照片” option to add your photos to this album. Same as previously, selecting the photo will let you define its properties. You will also be able to set it as the 专辑封面.

  3. Upload as many photos as you need 和 check the changes on site – they are saved on a fly.


If you decided to create a completely new gallery, you need to add it to some post or page of your site to see it on the 前端. Let’s take a closer look into the process.

  1. Open the page you need or create a new one at the Pages -> Add new.

  2. 如果你和 电力建设者,插入 文本 模块 到一些页面部分. 如果没有,请选择 视觉 编辑器 at the top right of your page’s body.

  3. 点击 TM图片库 icon, available among the editing tools.

  4. Press the needed gallery tile in the 弹出 窗口. 它会粘贴 [tm-pg-gallery id=”XXX”][/tm-pg-gallery] 短码 to the content (在这里 XXX st和s for the ID of the gallery). 你可以复制这个 短码 对任何文本 小部件,如果需要,另一个页面或帖子.

  5. Save the changes 和 check the result on site 前端.


好了,谢谢大家. Have fun 与 the beautiful galleries, that you can create 在你的 网站,使用 婚礼主题 selection 和, in case any questions remain, please, do not hesitate to contact us anytime!

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

博客主题. How to work 与 “TM图片库” 插件

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